Tuesday, April 29, 2014
April 21-27 Training
Monday, April 28, 2014
Boston Marathon-One Week Later

I really didn't think the any of the Americans had a shot and if one of them did, it would be Ryan Hall, even though he is a huge wildcard. Granted, I thought Meb would be the top American but in a best case scenario, I thought Meb would be 3rd-5th overall. Meb is super consistent but with eight guys in the field at 2:05 or under, I didn't think he had the pedigree to win.
While I was looking forward to seeing who won the race, I was mostly looking forward to seeing the American men duke it out. Beside Meb and Hall, you had Jason Hartman, who has run really well at Boston in the past. And behind him, you had Jeff Eggleston, who was 13th at the 2013 World Marathon Championships, Nick Arciniaga, who was the 2013 USA Marathon Champion, Brett Gotcher, who ran 2:10 in his debut marathon years ago and was the 5th place finisher at the last Olympic Marathon Trials. And with a sub 2:10 to his name, Abdi Abdirahaman would most likely be in the mix. And besides those guys, I knew Josphat Boit, Craig Leon and Craig Curley were all running and would be tough.

Right before lunch, Flanagan still had a small lead and Meb was joined by Boit, who still had a nice-sized lead on the field. Lunch time for me means my first run of the day, so I paused the feed and was going to watch the drama unfold when I got back. But when I got back, my browser had crashed! I had the race DVR'd on Universal Sports, but since I heard the coverage was terrible, I decided to look at the results and was completely shocked when I saw Meb won. Kimetto and Desisa DNF'ed, Ryan Hall ran 2:17 and Arciniaga, Eggleston and Boit all ran really well, finishing 7th, 8th and 11th. Craig Leon was right behind in 12th and American and Hansons runner, Mike Morgan, finished 13th. Not a bad showing for the American squad!
I was really surprised by Boit because he entered Boston the week before the race, and has been training for the half-marathon. For him to run 2:12 in an unplanned marathon and leading for a while is really impressive. Among Boit, Arciniaga and Eggleston, I feel at least one of them will break 2:10 before the next Olympics. While Boit is somewhat new to the marathon, Arciniaga and Eggleston have a lot of them under their belt. And instead of throwing down a fast time and then fading away, they've slowly chipped away at their PR's over time, which shows they still have faster times to come.
I was bummed to see Ryan Hall run so slowly. His slowest completed marathon was a 2:12 before this with the rest of them being under 2:10. The dude is super talented and I hope he can find a group or coach, stick with them for a couple of years and chase the world-class times again before Father Time comes for him. But then again, Meb, at nearly 39 years old, just won Boston.
In the women's race, Flanagan hung on much better than I thought and ran a 2:22 to finish 6th. Jeptoo set a new Boston record to finish in 2:18:57. That's amazingly fast but your mind really becomes blown when you remember that Paula Radcliffe somehow ran 2:15:25 over 10 years ago. I'm still scratching my head over that performance and hopefully before I die, I can pass away knowing I was faster than the fastest woman of all-time.

Monday, April 21, 2014
April 14th-20th Training
Tuesday: 7 miles (6:44)
Wednesday: 4 miles (6:37); 10.5 miles with 9.04 mile moderate progression. Ran to Gallatin and Rd.x2 and then up-and-down Bison Way, which I figured would be at least nine miles. Goal was three miles in 18:30, 17:15, 16:00. Ended up running 18:08, 16:56, 15:47, with an extra 10s of running at the end. Normally I will struggle a bit on the faster portion at this point of the season but it felt really smooth. I'm more fit than I thought.
Thursday: 7 miles (6:32)
Friday: 3.7 miles (6:58); 11 miles with 10 miles at medium effort. Goal was to start around 6:00 pace and work down to 5:30ish. Averaged 5:36 and felt smooth for most of the way, except for getting really thirsty the last mile or so, which made me work a little bit harder.
Saturday: 9.1 miles (6:49)
Sunday: 13.4 miles (6:04). Was going to run 15 miles but left a few minutes late and was already pressed for time. I was then going to make-up for it and run an easy 3-4 miles in the evening but I was feeling too lazy.
Week Total: 75 miles. Felt much better this week, than last. While I can tell I lost some of my motor, my basic endurance is still good. This week, I'll run about 90 miles and take it pretty easy most of the week because I may be a complete idiot on Saturday.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Every Second Counts

Monday, April 14, 2014
April 7th-13th Training
Monday: No running
Tuesday: 1.1 miles (7:13); 2.6 miles (6:58)
Wednesday: 3 miles (6:43)
Thursday: 5 miles (6:31); 4.2 miles (6:40)
Friday: 8 miles (6:36)
Saturday: 9.1 miles (6:33)
Sunday: 6.8 miles (6:49)
Week Total: 39.8 miles. I had a little more planned but I got pretty lazy with some second runs. It's hard to go from no running, to running again. But at least my hip doesn't hurt when I run anymore. I'll have some random twinges when I'm walking around but mostly, the pain is still gone despite the fact that my left butt is still swollen. I'll probably add a moderate run or two this weekend and run around 70 miles or so. Glad to be somewhat back at it.
I also get bonus points for not being too far off Mo's time. I predicated he would run 2:07:30. He has way too much horsepower and burns way too much fuel. The dude ran 3:28 for 1500m less than a year ago...And the men's marathon is also the most competitive event in distance running right now.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Lessons Learned from an Injured Runner
1. You have a ton more free time. Well, technically I wouldn't call it free time, since there's always stuff to do. But freeing up 2-3 hours a day gives you much more time to do stuff you need to do (cleaning and yard work), stuff you want to do (spend time with my family) and catch up on new TV shows you just started, such as The Sopranos, which may sneak into my top 5 all-time TV dramas.

2. You have to watch what you eat. Man, this is my biggest struggle. When I'm running a lot, I just eat whatever. Eating is a habit/hobby because I constantly snack throughout the day, whether I'm hungry or not. Food is fuel, right? Yeah, I get grief from some coworkers, being in I'm a school with only two male teachers and over 50 ladies and hear about how they wish they had my metabolism. Rather than say, "you could if you ran over 100 miles a week", I just tell them I have to fuel the furnace. But right now, the furnace is broken. I'm literally burning 1/2 as much calories a day than I was when I was running. But I still find myself in the constantly snacking habit, which has resulted in a few gained pounds and I went from having some abs slowly sneaking their way in to having them jiggle. Since I should curb that as quickly as possible, I need to have the willpower to shut it down. But being I'm a fat man in a skinny man's body, it's tough. So I've resorted to eating more filling things like non-fried chicken and those things people call vegetables. Maybe in the big picture, my injury will work out for the greater good because it will force me to eater cleaner, which will hopefully carryover to when I start running again. But I definitely learned that it's very hard to not gain weight when you're not exercising. Two thousand calories isn't much food!

3. I'm pretty lazy. Sorry, no cross training for me. If I tried, it would probably hurt my hip but even if it didn't, I just don't have that much motivation to head to the gym and sweat away on the elliptical machine. Maybe one of those fancy ElliptiGO things would be fun but I'm not doing my cardio indoors.

4. Out of site, out of mind. In college, I would freak out while I was injured. I constantly worried about how much fitness I was losing, how I would get back in shape, etc. Now, I don't care as much. Yeah, I felt like I was a couple months away from being in sub 63 half-marathon shape and taking some big scalps at the 25k Championships in May. And since I'm a few months away from turning 33, I don't have very many peak spring racing seasons left. But life goes on and when training hard and running big races are temporarily out of the picture, I lose a lot of focus. When I'm training hard, I'm training hard. Most of the time, I don't want to head out the door twice a day. It's mentally draining and there's other things I'd rather be doing. But I make myself because I understand each run has a purpose and if I slack off, my goals won't be met. I live a busy life, so when running isn't a priority, I forget about it. Right now, I don't have much motivation to resume training and when I do, I'll start back over and build for the fall. And this time, I won't race my marathon with a moronic race strategy.

Monday, April 7, 2014
March 231st-April 6th Training
Thursday: 4 miles (6:51). Butt/hip didn't hurt but my hamstings hurt at the attachment by my butt.
Friday-Sunday: No running. Friday, I was limping like an old man again and Saturday and Sunday, I was still in some pain.
Week Total: 4 miles. Lowest mileage week since May 2011. This is really starting to bug me and I think the Spring season is about done. It hurts when I have to balance on one foot or do anything that uses the extensors in my butt (and it's still pretty swollen). It's frustrating because I wanted to run well at the US 10 mile and 25k championships. After Gate River, I really thought I was going to be in sub 48 shape this past weekend, so it was tough seeing everyone else duke it out at Cherry Blossom. I was really impressed with Tim Young's sub 48. That dude is running really well this year. And congrats to Newton teammate, Tyler McCandless, who qualified for the US 12k (assuming they have it again) Championships with his 8th place finish. Hopefully I will be joining him, Stephen Pifer and Fernando Cabada, there if I can qualify at the 20k this September (we also had Jeremy Freed qualify as a Newton runner but that chump is working for Nike now) . Wade Oliver also ran really well. We were shooting for at least sub 61:00 with 60:00 as a huge goal but he ended up running 58:45.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Man gets chainsaw lodged in neck during tree-trimming accident

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
March 24th-30th Training
Tuesday: 10.1 miles (6:33); 6.1 miles with 4xhill blasts (6:58)
Wednesday: 1 mile (7:40). Was going to do one of my favorite long speed workouts: 4800m, 4000m, 3200m but my hip was absolutely killing me.
Thursday: 3.3 miles (6:47). Went to the doctor and he said it was Greater trochanter pain syndrome. He injected some Lidocaine in the area I thought it hurt in, and he wanted me to run a little bit to make sure he injected in the right spot. I guess it was because the run didn't hurt at all. But he also found some calcification around a tendon and stabbed it to death with a needle 50 times or so. I was getting more sore as the day went on and at night, couldn't walk at all. And I know I can be whiny, but this absolutely killed.
Friday: No runnin. Just limping.
Saturday: No running. Same as above, Slightly less limping though.
Sunday: No running. Still gimping.
Week Total: 30.4 miles. Game over for this season. Hopefully I can run soon.
Down and Out

Last Wednesday, when warming up for my track workout, it was much more painful than usual. After a mile of limping and it not getting any better, I knew it was time to ax the workout. I then went to see Dr. Jeff Kindred at BodyGuard Sports Medicine, so he could look at it with ultrasound and see what showed up. It was my first time seeing him, but I've heard good things about him and he keeps up with modern research and is on top of things. After looking around, he saw some calcification around a tendon in my butt. Obviously you don't want that, so we had to bust that sucker up. Unfortunately, that involved taking a huge needle and stabbing it to death for the next couple of minutes, which seemed more like a prison shanking. It wasn't too bad because I had some Lidocaine in there but I could have gone without the sound effects of it breaking apart, which sounded like Velcro.

Dr. Kindred said it would create a lot of bleeding in the area, which would help speed up the healing process and that I could be sore for 4-5 days. And man, was he right. That evening, it felt like I gave birth through my hip (hopefully Mary doesn't read this because I'd probably get tin trouble). I literally couldn't walk at all, I was in a ton of pain when I was trying to sleep and I was more whiny than usual.

Five days later and I still have a limp going on and obviously, I haven't been able to run yet. I was hoping to run the Country Music Marathon as a steady long run again, because that's pretty much like the Olympics around here but that's out. Maybe if I can run within a week, I'll run the half-marathon there, as long as I won't get smoked.
But regardless of when I start to consistently train again, I'm going to end my "season" and do a good base training phase in build-up for my fall marathon. Looking back at my training, my last non-hurried, solid base training phase was the summer of 2011. While I feel you need less and less of it as you get more miles in the bank, three years is a long time and it's sometimes good to return to things you haven't done in a while.
So hopefully I stop gimping around soon, can get in some easy mileage and get in 1-2 races a month, used as glorified workouts. And then, go into my speed-training phase fresh, with a nice base behind me so I can run the race I should have at Houston (I'm still pretty bitter about that race).